Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fadhilat Ramadhan

Hadith 1
Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Umatku telah dikurniakan dengan lima perkara yang istimewa yang belum pernah diberikan kepada sesiapa pun sebelum mereka. Bau mulut daripada seorang Islam yang berpuasa adalah terlebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau haruman kasturi. Ikan-ikan di lautan memohon istighfar (keampunan) ke atas mereka sehinggalah mereka berbuka puasa".
Allah mempersiapkan serta menghiasi jannah yang khas setiap hari dan kemudian berfirman kepadanya: "Masanya telah hampir tiba bilamana hamba-hambaKu yang taat akan meninggalkan segala halangan-halangan yang besar (di dunia) dan akan mendatangimu."
Pada bulan ini syaitan-syaitan yang durjana dirantaikan supaya tidak menggoda mereka ke arah maksiat-maksiat yang biasa mereka lakukan pada bulan-bulan selain Ramadhan. Pada malam terakhir Ramadhan (orang-orang yang berpuasa ini) akan diampunkan." Maka sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah SAW pun bertanya: "Wahai Pesuruh Allah, adakah itu malam lailatul Qadar?" Dijawab oleh Rasulullah SAW: "Tidak, tetapi selayaknya seorang yang beramal itu diberi balasan setelah menyempurnakan tugasnya."

Hadith 2
Ubadah Bin Somit ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda pada suatu hari ketika Ramadhan hampir menjelang: "Telah datang kepadamu bulan Ramadhan, di mana Allah melimpah ruahkan di dalamnya dengan keberkatan, menurunkan rahmat, mengampuni dosa-dosa kamu, memakbulkan doa-doa kamu, melihat di atas perlumbaan kamu untuk memperolehi kebaikan yang besar dan berbangga mengenaimu di hadapan malaikat-malaikat. Maka tunjukkanlah kepada Allah Taala kebaikan dari kamu. Sesungguhnya orang yang bernasib malang ialah dia yang dinafikan daripada rahmat Allah pada bulan ini."

Hadith 3
Abu Sa'id Al Khudri ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Setiap hari siang dan malam pada bulan Ramadhan, Allah Tabaraka wa Taala membebaskan begitu banyak sekali roh daripada api neraka. Dan pada setiap orang Islam pada setiap hari siang dan malam doanya pasti akan diterima."

Hadith 4
Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Terdapat tiga jenis orang yang doa mereka tidak ditolak; doa daripada orang yang berpuasa sehinggalah dia berbuka puasa; imam (penguasa) yang adil, dan orang yang dizalimi yang kerana doanya itu Allah mengangkatnya melepasi awan dan membuka untuknya pintu-pintu langit dan Allah berfirman: "Daku bersumpah demi kemuliaanKu, sesungguhnya Daku pasti menolongmu walaupun pada suatu masa nanti."

Hadith 5
Ibn Umar ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah dan para malaikatNya mengirim rahmat ke atas mereka yang memakan sahur."

Hadith 6
Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa berbuka satu hari di siang hari bulan Ramadhan tanpa alasan yang wajar (disegi syariah) atau sakit yang kuat, tidak akan dapat menampung atau mengganti hari tersebut walaupun akan berpuasa sehingga
ke akhir hayatnya."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Run Out Of Petrol!!!

Pagi tadi class Introduction of cataloguing pukul 8.a.m.
just do some excercise..nama class pun cataloguing, so we did a very basic one..
after class dismissed, supposedly at 12 ade tutorial with the same lecturer,
Pn Diana but cancel cz she's having meeting maybe..wah..heaven glr takde class tgh ari bute..klu tak nak kene menapak kat blok A panas2..huhu..
eh, pe plak blok A..wujud plak blok A kat cni..blok U la..hehe=p

Class pukul 2 ade quiz plak..
Huh, Pn. Rohayu tak bagi tiru..nasib la, da la tak bace pape..beserah.
tapi kan sempat gak usha2 notes nak tiru..huh,dpt plak.DAMN!!
after finishing that class, ade tutorial Preservation of Information Material..class ni just disscuss about assignment final project..
Finally baru clear, rase mcm baru dpt je assgmnt ni. padahal da dpt since da 1st class lagi..
We didn't do anything cz mostly tak dtg time 1st class including me..=p
Tapi..tapi..yg best nye ade yg baru je dpt tau assgmnt tu wujud..
Da submission date is 28 of sept..means time raye nanti la submit gamak nye..huhu.
aku group ngan budak 3 serangkai tu..hehe..Ika, Qiss and Zila..

After classes I send Ika at bus station cz she's going home nak pose ngan family.
wargh..seday nye aku tak balik..
='( week aku mustik balik..hehe
as usual we are rent Cuki's car.(usual ke?this is my 2nd time..ngee~)
i drove his car di temani oleh Rina, Qiss, Zila and of course the one who wanna going back..Ika..
all of a sudden when i drove that car, keta tu tersenggok-senggok..DAMN!!!
huh!alamak!!minyak kering!!!
nasib baik aku sempat ke bahu jalan.huhu..
klu tak alamat, bebudak yg aku angkot ni sume kene la tolak keta tu..kui.kui.kui
sepantas kilat, ika terus call owner keta tu iaitu Cuki..haha..
Cuki kate tunggu kejap,he will come..rase lege..huhu
tersadai la kami kat tepi jalan..
petrol station jauh lgi..yg ade skeliling kami hutan belantara..huhu
bus ika da la pukul 5..on that time da pukul 4.30..
While we waiting cuki, we all sempat snap a few pix utk tontonan bersame..hehe
after 10minutes cuki pon muncul and we exchange the car..he brought a bottle of petrol.
ntah ape jadi ngan mamat tu pastu,aku pun tak tau..huhu
after sending ika at bus station Zila kate nak beli juadah berbuke..she's fasting today..
we went to the pekan segamat..then, we went back to the campus around
sampai je bilik rase letih glr..
k la..that's it for today..nak chaw
enjoy ur day..tata.=)

Here is some pix yg sempat aku upload..=)

tersadai tepi jalan..maintain kewl..=)
aku & rina..a peace fm qiss behind me.
3 serangkai sempat bergurau sende..8)

ika pose dpn keta..aku kat dlm nak nyebok gak..ekeke

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hang out at pekan Segamat..^_~

xoxo gossip, ika, syitah, zila and qiss =)

ew..whutcha we trying to do actly?? 0_O

For today i wanna share about my day outing with my classmate..da lame tak hang out ngan dorg ni.
Mule tu cam mls gak nak follow pastu pk nak carik barang je then ikut je la..
We went to pekan segamat around 2.p.m. from our campus.
Before went there I, Ika, Qiss, Zila, Aqi and Yat have a very serious meeting..i supposed=p
These meeting is actly about our programming final project.
This is our second meeting..previously we did the meeting at the end of July. I don't remembered the actual date..but it is before mid term break..
For the second meeting, we discuss about whut should we do on our second presentation which is on next week..
We just do the outline and came out with our own idea which is we are lead by Aqi as our group leader. We are palnning very well and on a deep inside we really hope whut are we planning will become a true and reality..hehe..gempaq kowt idea ktorg..haha

Hurm, after the meeting I, Ika, Qiss, Zila and Syitah going to pekan..
At first, we went to bus station to bought a ticket for a fasting season..
It supposedly on this coming saturday.Nak pose ngan family la kononnye.. =p
But, i'm not coming back to my home cz i wanna going back during merdeka festive..
Lame sket cuti, dari kamis sampai slase..hehe..baru best..
Lg pon da plan with rina, lya and rafie nak buke same..

It's ok,lps tu ktorg g mkn2 kat KFC..whua, ari ni baru ku tau rupe nye Qiss pye fav adalah KFC..teruja glr dy nak mkn KFC..haha..sabo ye Qiss..hehe
Afterwards we went to avon to buying a few cosmetic stuff. i just wanna buy eyeliner cz mine was run out..huhu..pucat je muke tak ber eyeliner..kehkeh..
belek2 la katalog tu, ade la a few thing yg berkenan tp cam usha2 je dlu..takot budget lari..ekeke..
Then, ble dorg da stat pilih2, i was like terjebak and terus beli mcm2..haha..

There is some pix that i bought a few thing at avon..ngee~
One thing yg ktorg bengang glr kat avon tu staff dorg not frenly and they was like so arrogant to us..So annoying and we feel like unsatisfied with the way they serve us.belagak glr..
Sumpah menyampah tgk muke dorg..Ish, pe la..da la mlayu same mlayu pon nak wat muke act..
Kuar je dari pintu avon trus kene bahan la minah2 avon yg budjet cun..pergh..berbulu je tgk..

We are Malaysian..they are not supposedly behave like that especially with the same community.Tah la, lantak la dorg tu..kat Segamat pn nak eksen..poyo je.huhu..

We went back to campus around 5.30 camtu..Neway, dats it for today.
Now is almost 12a.m...I just received a msg from Rina, she told me that no classes for tomorrow..yuhoo..
See ya in the next post..da~

A few cosmetic stuff that i bought from avon..hehe..

- eye liner - clear mascara - lipgloss -

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Missed to Blogging back..=)

Well, it's such a long time I didn't write up anything on my blog..
So missed to write and share sumthing with u guys..
All of a sudden, i heard that some of my fren obsessed giler with her blog..=B
At first, i just ignore and try to tak amek pot..but,suddenly my hand was like gatal to view my fren blogs and rase cam best plak..haha..
U know whut, i didn't like to write up and update my blog..
My blog was created because of my assignment task last semester..
On that subject i got A..
Alhamdulillah..thank you so much to my lecturer, Miss Rabiatul Adawiyah..
To Miss Rabia, I always pray for you that u could recover back from accident injured..
Now, i'm in new semester.,part 5.
Semester baru ni banyak sangat cabaran.
Assignment jgn ckp la..sume stock budjet nak gempaq..
One of the assignment that i felt so trouble is programming..pergh..glr mencabar.
I don't like programming but i try my best to put myself in that subject.
Final project dah dpt,concept programming still tak dpt nk kuasai..adus..i always pray to Allah that give me strength and don't ever give up..hurm,every sem pn rase cam ni..rase tak blh bwk, rase cm tak yakin, rase loser..owh..but all of that is only my feeling and anxious..if we put the thing behind and always feel confident that is no problem..
confidence tu sgt penting tp jgn smpi over confidence..frust menonggeng plak nanti..kuikuikui~
Somehow, we need to face every single thing and must be good to control and handle whut are we do. I just wonder that every single thing must have pro and con. So, don't afraid to face the problem cz from that we learn..That was a learning process.
No one success without facing the problem and the unsuccessful person is the person who don't want to solve the problem they have and just lepas tgn..This is so bad and unresponsible person.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

FrEsH JuIcE FoR YoUr HeAlTh

The most delicious fruit juice and smoothly recipes.
Bursting of energy and vitamins, ready in a jiffy and
all you need is a juicer and a blender. For the calorie
counters among us the nutrition facts of these recipes
are included but we strongly recommend not to count
if fruit is involved. It's the best food on earth so you
can never have too much of it! Squeeze for a better

With fruit as its only ingredient:
Watermelon Juice
Pink Ice (banana, strawberry, grapefruit,
Pink Perfection Juice (strawberry,
watermelon, orange, lime)
Mixed Fruit Explosion (banana, kiwi,
mango, papaya, orange)
Citrus Fruit Smoothie (banana,
strawberry, grapefruit, orange)
With other ingredients as well:
Power Smoothies (any combination of
Happy drink (banana, kiwi, orange)
Tropical fruit smoothie
Banana Nog
Martian Boogie Power Smoothie
Strawberry Smoothie
Non Alcoholic Summer Cooler
Refreshing Watermelon Frozen Slushy
(watermelon, lime)
More/other recipes

Buy a juicer or blender.
Create colorful and healthy drinks,
everyone in the family will love you
for it!

Squeeze at least one fruit drink a
day. In this way you eat about 3 to 4
fruits so you can fulfill your daily

Put some ice cubes in the blender
with your juice. This cools your fruit
drink quickly in summer;

Put a little bit of banana in your
juice mix and blend it like a milkshake.
This gives your fruit drink a
certain softness and reduces the
bitterness (caused by grapefruits for

Take sweet fruits to blend. Use
citrus fruits (oranges, red grapefruits)
as a basis and mix it in
the blender with the sweet fruits of
your choice. You can squeeze a jar of
orange juice that you keep in the
fridge and blend it with the fruit of
your choice when you want to.

Squeeze five to nine pieces of fruit
a day

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The New Technology: iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G offers real GPS hardware, replacing its predecessor's simulated GPS, which was based on cell tower triangulation. Like many mobile handsets, iPhone 3G uses "Assisted GPS", in which it gets certain information, such as time and satellite orbital geometry, from the earth-bound network. Helped by this data, the device can more quickly locate and lock onto GPS satellites, resulting in better performance and less power usage.
The new iPhone software provides location services to applications (more on this below). The Camera application "geotags" photos with your GPS location (with your permission — it asks first!), and Google Maps can provide driving directions. Third-party apps are already using location services, including quite a few social networking applications. Apple has placed some restrictions on third party developers, however, and specifically prohibits live navigation software. It's not clear why this is, but even the Apple-blessed Google Maps application is limited. An accurate capacitive touch screen and well optimized mobile processors form the basis of that experience, but the iPhone continues to derive its real power in usability. But the touch screen keyboard can still be a major sticking point for some -- ourselves enthusiastically included -- and Apple hasn't given any more of its default programs (like SMS) the incryping that comes with using the keyboard in landscape mode.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

WiTH ME by SUM 41

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where every things nothing without you
I'll wait here forever just to see you smile
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

Through it all, I made mistakes
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on this moment you know, 'as I bleed out to show
and I won't let go

Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
of memories fall to the ground
I know what I didn't have so, I won't let this go
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

all the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go
I've came to an end

I want to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'as I bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you don't know what are you're looking to find
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where every things nothing without you

I want you to know
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on this moment you know, 'as I bleed my heart and soul out to show
With everything i won't let this go, these words are my heart and soul
And I won't let go (I want you know)
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'as I bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go


1. Stumble, noun : to discovery something or somebody, unexpectedly

2. Bleed, noun : (meaning from this song) a very bad feeling for a
person waiting for someone whom never return

3. Unspoken, adjective : not said in words but understood between people

4. Doubt, noun : a feeling of being uncertain about something or
believing something

5. Pieces, noun : (meaning from this song)some of the memories